Vi skulle vilja visa dig en beskrivning här men webbplatsen du tittar på tillåter inte detta. Please enable JavaScript to view the page content. In EUIPO ´s database of registered designs, you can find information about the design registrations which are in force in the EU. EUIPO - eSearch - as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
These rights complement national intellectual property (IP) rights and are linked to international IP systems. Internet users available for participation in online studies with demographic information available on each, providing research data collection via online questionnaires. SEARCH Plus ( search tool for OHIM resources) Link. New EUIPO Report Shows the Value of EUTM Licensing for SMEs.
Glosbe, online-lexikon, gratis. Search plus aplicación que permite realizar búsquedas en la base de datos euipo. Bläddra milions ord och fraser på alla språk.

It enables you to perform searches within the EUIPO database. App release that improves performance, provides several new options. UFFICIO DELLIUNIONE EUROPEA. We also work with the IP offices of the EU Member States and international partners to offer a similar registration experience for trade marks and designs across Europe and the world.
New at EUIPO : eSearch Case Law automatic translation services News The automatic translations are provided for information purposes only so that users have an immediate and general understanding of the content and meaning of case law documents. La EUIPO es una agencia descentralizada de la UE. Lämna in din EU-varumärkesansökan direkt till EUIPO. Det går enklast genom att använda deras e -ansökningsblankett. Betala ansökningsavgiften direkt till EUIPO :s konto.

Du måste betala ansökningsavgiften senast inom en månad från den dag då du lämnade in din ansökan för att få den dagen som din ansökningsdag. WELCOME Welcome to the European Patent Register, the place to find procedural and legal status data on patent applications handled by the European Patent Office. The WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) is an electronic system allowing priority documents and similar documents to be securely exchanged between participating. The Synthesis Report brings together the findings of the research carried out over the last years on the extent, scope and economic consequences of Intellectual Property Right infringement in the EU.
EUIPO ’s Research on Online Business Models Infringing Intellectual Property Rights. Television broadcasts include today many various contents that consumers like to watch – from television series, films and other audiovisual contents to various sports events. Therefore, each year through the Pan-European Seal programme the most outstanding graduates of the Faculty of Law, Lund University, will be able to access paid internships in EUIPO and the EPO allowing them to gain valuable professional multicultural work experience and get a foot in the door of the competitive world of IP.
Lu Zhengmin, Director General of the Office of the National Leading Group on the Fight against IPR. Formation of the Court: Judge. European Union Intellectual Property Office - EUIPO , Alicante, Spain.
According to a new report from the EU Intellectual Property Office ( EUIPO ), nearly €billion in Europe alone. This is the result of an in-depth study of the IPTV ecosystem published by the EUIPO this week. The research reveals the prevalence of IPTV piracy, who the main players are, how they operate, and what business models are used.
EUIPO makes you believe Brexit was a good thing and EU organizations are just the most unfair thing in our current labour society. EUIPO just shows how unfair it is, and the discrepancy in working conditions they have, compared to the rest of the society. Through the EUIPO Academy, the Office offers webinars, learning materials and specific courses covering all aspects of trade mark and design registration.
The EUIPO proposed a direction for further research to study the strength of copyright enforcement in the EU Member States in order to evaluate previous studies which “point to socio-economic variables, consumer awareness and attitudes, and strength of enforcement as relevant factors for consumption of pirated content.
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