Administrator definition is - a person legally vested with the right of administration of an estate. How to use administrator in a sentence. English dictionary definition of administrator. One who administers, especially one who works as a manager in a business, government agency, or school. Law One appointed to administer an estate.
The powers of this administrator continue until the return of the executor, and. Administration definition is - performance of executive duties : management. Define administration. The activity of a government or state in the. See: State Administrator.
What does administrator mean ? Meaning of administrator. Information and translations of administrator. A system administrator , or sysadmin, needs a variety of skills to manage, configure and provision IT systems that include servers, hardware and software.

Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. A project administrator is a professional who organizes the necessary team members and specializes in facilitating, reporting and analyzing projects under the supervision of a project manager. This position requires great responsibility and proper time management because the job entails constant monitoring and control of all project variables. Sens : Rite religieux qui consiste en un signe visible et concret de la grâce divine, ayant pour but de sanctifier les hommes.
A business administrator is usually somebody who has studied business administration and is in charge of the day-to-day operations of a company. They are also in charge of the planning of long-term strategies and projects. Business administration refers to either a university course or the management of a business.
System administration refers to the management of one or more hardware and software systems. The task is performed by a system administrator who monitors system health, monitors and allocates system resources like disk space, performs backups, provides user access, manages user accounts, monitors system security and performs many other functions. In short, the administrator manages the day-to-day operations of a company retirement savings or pension fund plan. More specifically, the plan administrator ensures that the money is being contributed to the fund correctly, that the proper asset allocation decisions are being made, and that payouts are promptly distributed to its beneficiaries.
The highest level of permission that is granted to a computer user. On home computers systems, the owner is usually the default administrator. In business and networked systems, this level of permission normally allows the user to install software, and change configuration settings.
Det finns många olika arbetsuppgifter inom administration och administratörer kan till exempel arbeta som distributionsadministratörer, kanslister, schemaläggare, registratorer vid myndigheter och andra offentliga verksamheter, som utbildningsadministratörer eller bygglovshandläggare. Nobody has any statutory power to appoint an executor or administrator of a will, except a testator, sir. Région, d'un Département ou d'une Commune, les établissements publics ayant des compétences spécialisées. Pour la plupart de ses activités, l' administration est soumise au droit administratif et, pour certaines définies par la loi , au droit privé. An administrator - a licensed insolvency practitioner - is appointed to run the club.
A complete definition for public administration however is difficult to arrive at due to the sheer number of tasks that fall under it. Some academicians argue that all the government related work falls into this category while other choose to argue that only the executive aspect of government functioning comprises of public administration.
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