In mild cases, behavior, health, or learning issues show up later on. People who are most likely to shake a baby have a direct connection to the baby (father or mother) or an indirect connection (babysitter, secondary family members), and are both male and female. He’s unable to hold his head up on his own, doctors think he’s legally blind and he has a feeding tube at all times. It’s a life -long battle,” said Susan Jones.
Braxson is just one of hundreds of survivors of shaken baby syndrome. Instea a baby may have vague symptoms , such as vomiting or a poor appetite. At first these symptoms may seem related to an infection, such as influenza (flu) or a kidney infection. Symptoms of untreated shaken-baby syndrome are blindness, mental retardation, and neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy. There will be retinal damage that can be observed in a eye exam.
Last month, a 5-month-old Pelican Rapids, Minn. What is shaken baby syndrome ? It is also called abusive head trauma. It may result in permanent, severe brain damage and can be life -threatening. It usually occurs when a parent or other caregiver shakes a baby out of anger or frustration, often because the baby will not stop crying. Babies have very weak neck muscles that cannot fully support their proportionately large heads.
Read more about the symptoms and signs of shaken baby syndrome , and and get the facts about how caregivers and parents can prevent this form of child abuse. Irritability, sluggishness, vomiting, and a poor appetite that are often symptoms of shaken baby syndrome also occur with common illnesses, such as the flu, ear infections, stomach flu (gastroenteritis), and kidney infections. The lack of visible signs of injury, such as bruises or broken bones.
A baby who has been shaken may not immediately display symptoms. Sometimes it is mild enough to go undetected by doctors or family, and it isn’t until later in life that the child may start showing mental or physical problems in learning, sports, or behavior. Closed brain injuries are usually caused by car accidents, falls, and increasingly, in sports. Penetrating brain injury. These injuries can cause permanent brain damage or death.

People should never shake a baby for any reason. Which Children Are at Risk for Abusive Head Trauma? Most cases of abusive head trauma (also called shaken baby syndrome ) happen to babies and toddlers younger than years old.
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS OF SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME. But it is happening in many communities, he says. Shaken Baby Simulator. Since shaken baby syndrome causes brain injury, damage may not become apparent until much later , when baby is developmentally ready to crawl, walk or talk but misses the developmental milestone.

Any time a parent suspects abuse, they should seek immediate medical attention,” McPeck-Stringham says. How is shaken baby syndrome diagnosed? Mild symptoms of change in feeding patterns or behavioral change are not immediately attributable to the shaken baby syndrome. Other symptoms like fussiness and lethargy may go away on their own. More severe indicators such as inflammation, seizures, and bleeding may make the doctor suspect SBS.
In most of the cases, the condition does not show any visible external trauma.
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